Monday, November 7, 2011

Works Cited

Works Cited
Urbanization. "World Geography: Understanding a Changing world" . 2011. 2011 .
Fink. Sheri . "Cities of the poor : Life in the Slums". December 18th, 2006 . 2011 .
Blythe, Nils . "Mumbai's Slum Life World Problem " . Tuesday February 26th, 2008 . 2011 .
Eaves, Elisabeth. "Two Billion Slum Dwellers" . November 6th, 2006. 2011 .
              < cities>>

thesis Statement

Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease.

Rough Draft

Jaqueline Sosa
Ms. Jaegar
November 7, 2011
World Geography
Slums, the human Wasteland in humanity
Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease.
   A slum is a very dirty place in many areas in the world that people’s homes are considered to be trash because nearly everything is made out of trash. Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease.  Slums are very polluted considering that most slums are near sewage pipes and with that the slums can flood and get even worse.
In slums most places have to live in very dirty areas including the sewage or near it. Slums have come to be the most unsanitary place in the world. Including where they go for the restroom. Honestly, slum inhabitants have to do their business in trashes and sometimes you can see them flying around in the sky with someone’s business all over it.
Also people are super poor there economy has such poverty in their hands. Many slum dwellers live in many packed homes. There homes are so close together it is like u can use the window as another entrance way to a different house. These homes can be made out of material that you can find in dumpsters, floors, or even right next to you. Slum homes can or are made out of mud and other materials such as aluminum etc. These homes are so delicate that say a simple thunderstorm can tear them apart and literally destroy their homes.
Also, in slums it is really dangerous there when it comes to the drinking water and food you are able to eat. Some foods or drinks can be so hazardous and deadly that it is a mere saying you will die in an instant, a quote showing this example is, “The foul river carries not just sewage but also chemicals, it’s littered with refuse". Another thing that this quote shows is that people should be more precautious, some things are so hazardous you will lose your life, a painful death.
Slums are hazardous places and gross and dirty. Slums have a negative effect on human population because many places have polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease. Some places are just plain horrible like in Kenya, Africa where the biggest, largest slum in the world stands. Do you really want to see people live in gross sanitation and die? Because many will guarantee that no one wants to live in those improper conditions.

Final Draft! :P

Jaqueline Sosa
Ms. Jaegar
November 7, 2011
World Geography
Slums, the human Wasteland in humanity
Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease.
   A slum is a very dirty place in many areas in the world that people’s homes are considered to be trash because nearly everything is made out of trash. Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease.  Slums are very polluted considering that most slums are near sewage pipes and with that the slums can flood and get even worse.
In slums most places have to live in very dirty areas including the sewage or near it. Slums have come to be the most unsanitary place in the world. Including where they go for the restroom. Honestly, slum inhabitants have to do their business in trashes and sometimes you can see them flying around in the sky with someone’s business all over it.
Also people are super poor there economy has such poverty in their hands. Many slum dwellers live in many packed homes. There homes are so close together it is like u can use the window as another entrance way to a different house. These homes can be made out of material that you can find in dumpsters, floors, or even right next to you. Slum homes can or are made out of mud and other materials such as aluminum etc. These homes are so delicate that say a simple thunderstorm can tear them apart and literally destroy their homes.
Also, in slums it is really dangerous there when it comes to the drinking water and food you are able to eat. Some foods or drinks can be so hazardous and deadly that it is a mere saying you will die in an instant, a quote showing this example is, “The foul river carries not just sewage but also chemicals, it’s littered with refuse". Another thing that this quote shows is that people should be more precautious, some things are so hazardous you will lose your life, a painful death.
Slums are hazardous places and gross and dirty. Slums have a negative effect on human population because many places have polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the inhabitants of slums are prone to disease. Some places are just plain horrible like in Kenya, Africa where the biggest, largest slum in the world stands. Do you really want to see people live in gross sanitation and die? Because many will guarantee that no one wants to live in those improper conditions.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

World Geography :)

Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the unhabitants of slums are prone to disease.
   A slum is a very dirty place in many areas in the world that peoples homes are considered to be trash because nearly everything is made out of trash. Three negative effects that slums have on human populations are polluted living areas, high poverty rates, and the unhabitants of slums are prone to disease.  Slums are very polluted onsidering that most slums are near sewage pipes and with that the slums can flood and get even worse.